haha finally we went to Cal cal hse at ss15. :) he is going to aus soon. T_T WHAT LA YOU!! y u wanna go. dont miss us here mer? ahahha! ceh.! we had fun. gammble talk talk. haha. the gamble part was HELL stressfull. hahah!! blackjack was ok. we didnt play poker =.=. the in-between was like WTF!! so many people lost money there. lucky i only lost 4bux, T_T . still money cal cal and sean lost quite alot. the winner of 1 and 2nd table was meebo and andrew. haihz, so lucky. T_T
i took a pic of sean pissing haha!! was like WTF!! i thought he was only joking about pissing out side of someone's hse. hahah!! sry dude. have to post this. neway no nudity right? haha. only sprinkle of water coming out of ur (something that rhyme with sick) hahha!!
here's some food that we ate on that day. it was at Telok Gong in klang. haha. was nice food tho. halal. :)
was nice la. wonder y drew keep making gay (lala) faces. hahaa.!!
haha. i have the people that came that day had fun. because i know i did. haha. that day was my 1st yam seng isit? sry i kinda forgot what that thinggy was called. haha. its where everyone take their chop stik and mix the food around. i kinda forgot what's inside. but i know there's ALOT of veggies. hahha!!